Joining up with Mama M. over at My LIttle LIfe for Five Question Friday today. So here goes.....
1. Have you ever had a celeb sighting?
Not that I know of. I don't think I would recognize one if I saw them. And wait, in my own little world I am a celebrity {insert evil laugh here}
2. What temperature do you keep your house?
Apparently much too warm in winter and much too cool in the summer based on my utility bills. My goal temperatures are 68-72 in the winter and 78-80 in the summer but I am not very good at sticking with that.
3. Do you notice dust at other peoples homes?
Nope not even a little. I hate to dust and I don't do it so I certainly don't notice at anyone else's house and if you come over here don't tell me cause I already know it's dusty! Thanks.
4. What is the worst job you ever had?
Well there have been a few..... but the worst one I think was when I first moved to California right after I got my Bachelor's in nursing and I worked at a hospital in an ICU. My training was about 2-3 weeks (if you are a nurse you know this is not adequate to train a new nurse in the ICU) My co-workers wouldn't speak English around me and then come to find out I was the butt of many jokes that were based on a lie that another co-worker had started. It was a painful 7-8 months. I am going to have to tell the rest of the story in a different post...
5. What is your most sentimental possession?
I don't really get too attached to my stuff. I am a tosser so I try not to get to attached to anything. If I had to choose I would say my kids, my husband and my scrap-books. {although I know children and husbands are NOT possessions}
Now head on over and visit Mama M. and join up!!