Joining up with Julie again today for Letters of Intent go visit her and see what others are saying too. Dear Winter, I realize that I am not going to stop you from coming but really could you lighten up a little. Seriously if you are going to be so cold could you please give us some snow? I really can't take one more trick day (a day that looks beautiful with sun shining but is about 25 degrees). Sincerely, Longing for tropical climate living Dear Christmas, I am going to need you to move to a different month. Don't get me wrong I really like you and all but December seems so hectic. So if you could move to say May or even October that would be great! Thanks, Pulling My Hair Out Dear TV advertisers, You are brilliant. You make commercials simple enough for a two year old to memorize, and repeat multiple times throughout the day. Oh you blessed people targeting young minds. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Stop it! Just stop it now. ...