My tackle it Tuesday was actually a tackle it Monday but in keeping with my Tackle it November theme I figured that was okay!! I have no before picture I am going to need you to use your imagination. Picture the destruction of a category 3 hurricane. Get the idea?? That is what our toy room looked like, but thanks to a Kindergarten homework assignment and my desire to CLEAN..(cough..cough). We came up with this result.....
I got the bins from Target (I bought them myself and no they didn't pay me to say this). I printed the labels from my computer and mounted them on cardstock (from CTMH) and then tied them on with yarn. I wanted to be able to reuse the bins and relabel as needed.
Also thanks to my brother for building the shelves for me to help us organize!!
How do you organize your kids things? I have shown you several ways that we do ours now if you have any suggestions or tips I would love to hear them!!
Stop by my Tackle-it Tuesday if you have a chance! :)