First of all I must mention the BlogFrog again because you all know how much I LOVE them. Because of BlogFrog I have made a new bloggie friend and she made me that cool little "siggy" at the bottom of my post. She found my blog through BlogFrog and left a comment and so I visited her blog "The Butler Family" and saw her "siggy" and commented about it and then she generously offered to make one for me. How cool is that! So wanting to give her proper credit and also needing a blog post for today I asked her a few questions about herself and now I want to tell all of you about her!
She started blogging in 2008 for personal use to keep a journal of her family but more recently wanted to expand her blog and share with others. So she joined up with BlogFrog (woohoo)!!!
She is a SAHM (stay at home mom) to three beautiful girls. Something unique about her are her artsy talents. She enjoys scrapbooking ( a woman after my own heart), artwork (pictures below), and making "siggy's" and blog headers.

This is some of her artwork it is called "Pointallism" she uses pens and dots as the fill ins. Isn't it great!
Go over to her blog and say hello! Thanks again for the great new "siggy"!!
