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Showing posts from June, 2008

Chillin' with Big Brother!

They really make me laugh!!  Dalton loves applesauce.  I just keep a jar in the fridge and he dishes it up himself, here he decided to share with sissy. Watching a very important cartoon!

I am Raising a Gansta...

Okay not really but recently every time Jeff or I have tried to take a picture of this silly little girl we have gotten similar poses and I just couldn't resist posting this bathing suit gansta. hehe.  We love you silly Peyps!!!

The Biggest Loser

So in an effort to motivate me to lose weight I had a brilliant idea.  Well not my idea I was blog stalking and found a girl who did a little "Biggest Loser"  competition.  If anyone wants to join leave a comment or email me at  To make it interesting we could put in a $ amount and have it run for three months and we could also set a goal ie: no chocolate for three months or no sugar or no carbs and if you stick to your goal you win part of the money too.  Let me know if anyone is interested!!


Thank you, Thank you , Thank you to my friend Jane and her sister-in-law.  They had a class last night done by grocery smarts (click for the website) Oh my goodness!  I am going to save so much money I can't wait to start shopping and build my food storage at the same time.  If you want to see the website click above and then put in this passport. g84csg that is for UT.  If you want more info or want to do a class the girls name for this area is Stacy Gill  (801) 840-0660 .  They will do a free class at your home.  If you host I think you get free gift cards to shop with!!  They also can get you a discount on the Sunday paper so you can get the coupons!!

20 Year Tag

Ok Ruthanne I should be fixing dinner for my husband but I am going to do this instead!! hehe 20 years ago I was... 1.  Fourteen ugh 2. Had just finished eighth grade and getting ready for high school (which in my town only meant you got to stay longer to the dances because we all met in the same building) 3. Probably had a crush on some boy in my ward 10 Years ago I was.. 1.Living in Ogden getting my BSN 2.  Trying to make a Utah to California relationship work with Jeff 3. Working at McKay Dee Hospital on HOBs 4. 24 years old and lying about being older!! 5 Years ago I was... 1. Living in sunny California 2. 29 and realized that I was now the same age as my mom  (she always turned 29 when we were little every b-day) 3. Working at Loma Linda University MC on 9100  4. getting ready to celebrate year three of being married! 5. Trying to figure out how to be a mom of a 7 month old boy 3 Years ago I was.. 1. Trying to get boxes unpacked with a one year old Peyton 2. Started working at Tho...

Water Water Everywhere

So these were taken a while ago but I thought they were appropriate since it has been so HOT and the backyard has been our friend. Kayton got the Elmo sprinkler for her birthday and she loves to be in the water just like big brother and sister!!

Sorry we are a day Late...

In the normal Blood family tradition I am again dragging out the birthday celebration of one especially excited little girl in Arizona. Happy Birthday cute little princess.  We love you and hope you had a wonderful day!!

Dancing Fools!!

This is sideways and I have no idea why.  I was holding the camera the correct way.  So if you don't mind being a little crooked enjoy the dancing at the Rudy house.


Peyton asked me if we could have a picnic by the back door.  So she spread out her beach towel and I gave her some picnic dishes and we had gold fish and teddy grahams.  It was a lovely picnic on a hot summer's day.

Just Posing

The new sponsor for the Utes gear is Underarmor and Jeff got excited that they had cool kid stuff and he actually had some money to spend on his kids.  So he got Dalton two shirts and Peyton some for her b-day.  I just thought these pics were so cute of them both in their gear!!

Yes Another Birthday!!!

I can't believe she is already four the years have flown by and I am trying to enjoy every minute which is really hard some times but we do our best. Love ya Peyps! My dancing beauty!! Love those EYES!!! Happy Birthday sweet Peyton.  We love you.  We plan on celebrating all day and probably for several days after!!


For my Birthday this year I treated myself to a little makeover.  I got my hair colored and a makeup consultation from my cute friends Krista and Laura.  They made me promise to post my glam shots so here they are.

Silly Girl!

My silly baby!!  Just posing for the camera!!