Teeball has officially begun (is that a word?) I actually took these photos on Tuesday because that was supposed to be the first game. But as many of you know it was SNOWED out. I had one disappointed little five year old on my hands. We managed to get over that little obstacle and moved on to the game on Thursday. This was just as I remembered from last year. A lot of 4 and 5 year olds tackling and running and crying if they did not get the ball as many times as they thought necessary to be successful. The only difference is that I am not 8 1/2 months pregnant but I am the coach. Sucker I can hear you all saying but it was kind of fun and I know that our team is much more organized than last year.
This weekend we journeyed far and wide and I forgot the camera so there are no photos to prove it. We started at Kindergarten Orientation on Friday then went to Gunnison overnight for a Close To My Heart workshop, then back to Price for more box emptying and throwing away of grandmas memories. All in all I think it was a successful trip. Dalton cried a lot especially when we had to leave grandpa and cousins behind. He really wanted to help grandpa with the pool. He wasn't even interested in coming home for teeball tomorrow. It had been a long day. So this was long and boring but I think every one is caught up. More picture soon I hope.